Interactive Metronome

What is Interactive Metronome

 Used by medical, rehab, educational & sports professionals in over 50 countries around the globe

Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool.

IM is proven to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor and sensory skills.

What happens during the session

Real-time feedback for timing after each hit so the child knows if he was too fast, too slow, or just right–this leads to better internal timing & synchronization in the brain.

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Applications of Interactive Metronome

Pediatric Conditions

Adult Conditions



IM-Home for Clients & Families

IM-Home is a research-based brain fitness program that helps children and adults overcome attention, memory, and coordination limitations. You complete your personalized program on your own time, in your own home, with the guidance and supervision of a certified specialist. IM-Home works for people of all ages who have a variety of conditions affecting their cognitive and physical abilities.

IM-Home is Perfect for…

IM-Home was developed for you to get the benefit of the Interactive Metronome even when you aren’t in a clinic.