Neurofeedback - EEG Biofeedback
History of Neurofeedback
Biofeedback began in the late 1950s from a fascination for a mainstream methodology for treating certain medical conditions and improving human performance.
The history of Biofeedback dates back to 1950s/1970s when Hershel Toomim developed the first standardized and calibrated systems spanning the measures of electromyography (EMG), temperature, galvanic skin response (GSR, now known as electrodermal response), and EEG which allowed to create a biofeedback system. Later, his wife Marjorie underwent a study with the use of EMG which helped her fight muscle pain.
Hershel then started to take interest in computers. This is when he designed and developed the first programmable biofeedback system that was much easier for clinicians to use.
In 1984 Hershel, along with Chuck Davies, successfully constructed the world’s first wireless biofeedback system based on the Apple II.
Biofeedback became popular in the USA in the 1990’s thanks to NASA; scientists wanted the astronauts to train better, adopt skills and knowledge much faster and react to danger quicker so they used the technique to help them improve their physiological.

What is biofeedback
EEG Biofeedback (also known as Neurofeedback) is a process that enables an individual to learn how to change physiological activity for the purpose of improving health and performance. Precise instruments measure physiological activity such as brainwaves, heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature. These instruments rapidly and accurately “feedback” information to the user. The presentation of this information — often in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior — supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of an instrument. – Definition adopted by BCIA, AAPB, and ISNR (May 18, 2008). EEG biofeedback is often called a self-regulation method. Biofeedback is possible thanks to the brain’s plasticity which allows the patient to change its behaviors and routines, as well as fight fears, addictions, anxiety and stress. During the biofeedback session, sensors are placed on the head – they measure the brainwaves and the machine will then display the measurements on the screen.
The aim of biofeedback is for you to take control of your brain’s reactions and be able to manipulate these at will to help manage conditions such as stress, addiction, anxiety and fear. A qualified trainer helps you to learn self-regulation of your brain function to achieve your own personal well-being goal through being able to control processes including brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance, heart rate and even pain perception. Biofeedback’s success rate is 85-95%. The technique has been used by army pilots, stressed out businessmen, tired journalists and actors who want to learn their role quicker. Premier Biofeedback has more recently acquired a new generation machine manufactured by Colibri, which, thanks to its lack of wires, is extremely comfortable for patients to use and provides instant, accurate feedback to the client & clinician.

Who we help - Applications of Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback for people with psychosomatic, psychological and neurological disorders:
- Lack of concentration and focus
- Aggression, apathy
- ADHD, ADD, hyperactivity
- Headaches and migraines
- Sleeping disorders and fibromyalgia
- Anxiety, depression and obsessions
- Stuttering, jitters, tension
- Poor or lower self esteem
- Childhood cerebral palsy
- Recovery after head injuries
- Autism
- Cognitive disorders (processing issues)
- School problems (poor grades, dyslexia or other learning difficulties)
- Recovery after brain surgery or a stroke

Neurofeedback for peak performance
- Memory improvement – speed up learning and increase the ability to remember and recall information
- Improved performance – for those whose work causes a lot of stress, have a lot of responsibilities or are required to make quick decisions
- Improved creativity
- Greater potential for success in professional or amateur sports

What to expect
Your first appointment usually takes about 1.5 – 2 hours and consists of:
- Discussing the EEG biofeedback process and signing the consent for the therapy
- Interviewing the client to collect all medical history data and details of regular or current medications
- Agreeing the required number, frequency & length of each session, as well as session content. Usually a single biofeedback session lasts from 45 – 60 min with 30 min of neurofeedback
- Conducting the first biofeedback session
Please note, when attending your session your hair should be clean (long hair must be tied back into a ponytail).
Generally, there are no contraindications for biofeedback therapy, however a person will not qualify for treatment if they are:
- under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs
- people diagnosed with epilepsy
- have recently consumed a caffeinated soft drink or an energy drink
If you currently have a cold accompanied by a fever or a heavily runny nose this may prevent a biofeedback session being successful and we would advise rescheduling your appointment.